Monday, September 24, 2012

Aquarium at home - Hobby

I have renovated my old hobby "Aquarium". I have started this hobby on school days. I collected fish form surface and grow it in the big under ground tank (in the Farm land). I left that for many years.

I have started a new set of aquarium. Here are my collections....


We have our fighter in the bowl. It doesn't need a filter, the food we feed the should be taken care, so that water in the bowl won't be contaminated.

Small Fishes like Guppies, group fighter etc.,

Yet more to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Teaching is An Art

Teaching is an ART!!!!!!!!!!!!

   All the teachers are not expert in the Art called or named Teaching. Teaching should make the listener to understand and make the subject to be applied and may not require to refer the stuff again and again to use it. Few are the teachers who lifted my carrier. I would like to take this opportunities to list the teachers who where good in art Teaching, sorry would like to say in different word, Artist (Teachers) who attracted me in the way they teach.

Impressive artist in teaching whom i have meet and enjoyed their art are as follows :

Hendry Samueal -  Tamil teacher
Lidea - English teacher
Asick Ali - Mathematics teacher (Important person, Who raised my life in school days from ninth grade till ...)
Rajamanicakam - Physics (Science) teacher (Important person, Who raised my life in school days from ninth grade to twelfth grade)
Raja - Botany (Science) teacher (Important person, Who proved me in the ninth and tenth grade)
Shanmuga Sundaram- Geography teacher (Gentle man!!!!!!1)
xxx -  Sports sir (He is from Air Force)
Ravi Chandran - Principal
Sudha - Mathematics teacher

These are excellent artist in their specific domain of teaching, whom i experienced in RRMHSSchool, a group of KSR institutionin Thokkavadi, Thiruchengode.

These are artist made me continued in the same school for my higher secondary school. Hey friend if you get a chance to meet any of these artist please get the contact and share it me.  

Thanks everyone teacher who helped me to come up in my life to this level!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are people who are similar to a character name is Stalin serial in Start VIJAY name 7C. Few of my friends may not like few of the teacher listed above, but don't take those days in to your heart!!!

Have a life with PEACE and JOY.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Special Teacher is a Gift. I got that gift

Parents play third major part of role in molding a kid. A Teacher takes first major part of molding the student. Role of a Good Teacher whom i have meet are
  • Good Teaching skill - Teaching should make the student not to mug-up, make the subject to understand, make them to not to read them repeatedly. 
  • Good Parent - Teach them love, affection
  • Teacher is Service Person
  • Good Mentor -Take them in the good path, preach student "good and bad", understand the student condition and mold them in right way. 

"Teacher should never neat a student" is a golden word learn from my teachers Asick Ali, my school Principal Ravichandran. They handle the student in their own ideology, which have brought up many student life in well manner and make them to understand what is freedom and how not to misuse the freedom.
   Asick Ali , alias Asick Sir these name can't be forgotten by many people who studied in Arthi polytechnic, RRMHSS school of 1999 batch to 20-- and the student of government school around Palipalayam and few others like Radhika, etc..The first person who show highest love in my life is MY SIR ( Asick Ali ). If He might not be my staff, I might not been writing a blog today. I am writing this blog with tears in my eye. I thanks him a lot.

Did I attended Twelfth Public Exam? Is that state true?? - True 

Whether I have attended the Twelfth Public Exam and how? I was in the Hostel and was in bit stress . Hostel warden is nice person but, vice warden is a rude person and he use to torch / beat the student in the hostel. Life went on, Early morning of a day in hostel, vice warden has slapped me for no reason and was in the bad mood for the whole day. My sir have noticed it and checked with my friends, what had went wrong with him. My Sir have came to know what had happen went wrong. He spoke to the vice warden and he solved the problem, from that vice warden won't turn my side.

Life still continues, half yearly exam have been over by time of December. Score cards where given and I am the person who got least mark in many of the subject. As regular activity,  teachers meeting held with correspondence and Principal. One bad decision in meeting is not allow kannan to attend the public exam. My class teacher (Kandavel) have not supported me, but my SIR and Rajamanickam sir who is my Ninth grade in-charge teacher have supported me and they proved me with in 12 days of period that I am eligible to attend and will get a good score.  I have proved and made their word are true in the result by getting more than 80% in HSC.

I take this opportunity to SALUTE both of them.

 Teacher as Father, Mother and Teacher.

  Asick Ali , who helped to prepare for the entrance exam. He made me to stay with him, he cooked for me, he made me to think good and bad, and so on, he cared me like his SON. Result where out for the Engineering Single Window counseling. We can take one person with us to select the seat in the Engineering college. I have taken him with me to select the seat.

 By now I have completed my BE, MS. Working in a good concern!!!!!!!

 They are my gift!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent Teacher  Asick Ali. Love you much sir!!!!!!!

Happy Teachers Day!!!!!!!!


Friday, March 9, 2012

Story Behind Holi Celebration!!!!!!!!!!

There was once a king by the named Hiranyakashyap who won the kingdom of earth. He commanded everybody in his kingdom to worship only him. But to his great disappointment, his son, Prahlad became an ardent devotee of Lord Naarayana and refused to worship his father.

Hiranyakashyap tried several ways to kill his son Prahlad but Lord Vishnu saved him every time. Finally, Hiranyakashyap asked her daughter, Holika to enter a blazing fire with Prahlad in her lap.

Holi Celebration!!!

Treacherously, Holika coaxed young Prahlad to sit in her lap and she herself took her seat in a blazing fire. The legend has it that Holika had to pay the price of her sinister desire by her life. Holika was not aware that the boon worked only when she entered the fire alone. 

Prahlad, who kept chanting the name of Lord Naarayana all this while, came out unharmed, as the lord blessed him for his extreme devotion.

Thus, Holi derives its name from Holika. And, is celebrated as a festival of victory of good over evil. 

Holi is also celebrated as the triumph of a devotee. As the legend depicts that anybody, howsoever strong, cannot harm a true devotee. And, those who dare torture a true devotee of god shall be reduced to ashes.

Even today, people enact the scene of 'Holika's burning to ashes' every year to mark the victory of good over evil. 

In several states of Northern India, effigies of Holika are burnt in the huge bonfires that are lit. There is even a practice of hurling cow dungs into the fire and shouting obscenities at it as if at Holika. Then everywhere one hears shouts of 'Holi-hai! Holi-hai!'.

Further, on the last day of Holi, people take a little fire from the bonfire to their homes. It is believed that by following this custom their homes will be rendered pure and their bodies will be free from disease.

Happy Holi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 24, 2012


Its a big question now a days! that is Trust??, Mercy??, Love??

Trust? Whom? How much? Worthy trust them? Day by day life teaches a lesson. But that adds to our experience. Can trust an enemy than a close person not everyone!

Mercy? Can't expect from non trusted person! If you are mercy on them, they cheats!!

Love? Can't expect from person who doesn't have mercy! If you are love on them, they cheats!!

There is old movie in Tamil with 7 proverbs. The movies is divided into 7 parts and each parts states that story explain the proverbs. Today i remember that movie when it comes to live.

Live as the life goes on or else life will be like a broken peaces of glass!!!!!!!!!!!!
